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Burn Paper

Burn Paper

Q IS 312 Film Critique Burn! (1969) by Gillo Pontecorvo Paper 50 pts. In-class discussion 10 pts. = 60 pts. total Due: Watch the film Monday, March 15 on your own at one of the links below. Discussion is due Wednesday, March 17, in-class discussion. Paper is due Friday, March 26 upload to Canvas by 11:59 PM PST The objective of this assignment is for you to critically analyze a film using course concepts and theories. The film is Burn! (1969) by Gillo Pontecorvo. This film comes out of what is known as the Third Cinema. Films made with a point of view from the world that was colonized and shaped by that experience. Checkout this article about the Third Cinema (Links to an external site.). Film advisory. The film is PG. There are two execution scenes, some minor nudity, and killing by both sides—the government and Queimadans. Some scenes are tough to watch, especially when you see children traumatized by the events around them. View at: You can view the film at the Internet Archive (Links to an external site.). No closed captions. This is a cool resource you should keep in mind for future research papers. Or onYouTube (Links to an external site.) It is in Italian, Portuguese, and English with closed captions when the actors are not speaking English. (cannot vouch for the accuracy of all the CC). Sir William Walker: “Civilization is not a simple matter; you can’t learn its secrets overnight. Today, civilization belongs to the white man, you must learn to use it, and without it, you can’t go forward.” Jose Delores: But to go where? Ten years later… Jose Delores: “…better to know where to go and not know how to get there, than to know-how but not know where to go.” The story of Queimada is the story of countless developing countries. A story complicated by colonial heritage, slavery, revolution, independence, the global marketplace, globalization, and dependence. Start with Sir William and Jose Delores’ dialogue and write a paper analyzing Queimada’s globalization and development experiences. Things to think about before you start your paper: • Is Queimada victimized twice, once as a colony and then as a victim of the competition between European powers to expand colonial empires? Great power rivalries! • Colonialism is the rule of a region or country by an external sovereign power. • Modernization occurs by harnessing new ideas, and technology. • Development is the process of improving the quality of human lives. • “…globalization is a universal social solvent.” • What examples of globalization did you see in the film? • How do globalization and development intersect in the film? • Did you see examples of Dependency Theory in the film? • Just how easy it is for developing countries to jump right into the developed world? • Notice how Sir William Walker’s clothing—vest and necktie especially change colors depending on what he is up to. • References to Viet Nam and the use of napalm. Paper Format: • This paper is an essay—with an introduction, body, and conclusion. • Your thesis statement must be italicized in the first paragraph • Double-spaced, page numbers, one-inch margins, 12 font • 500 - 650 words please include your word count. • Parenthetical citation from the film or your readings. There is no reason to use material outside of the class material. • Upload to Canvas. Save your paper as Text (.txt), Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx), Portable Document Format (.pdf), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Open Office Text (.odt) • When you submit your paper, it automatically goes through Turnitin, which will run an authenticity program on your paper. Please be mindful to use "quotes" and to give attribution when you use other's words. You will be able to see your score and resubmit your paper if necessary. Acceptable Turnitin score 30% or less. • Please be mindful to follow all directions. Submissions that do not follow all directions will be subject to a 20% grade reduction. Paper Advisory: • I am interested in YOUR analysis of the film as it relates to the class. • Please refrain from commentary about filmmaking techniques or plot development. This is not a Rotten Tomato • Please do not provide me with a lengthy review or summary of the film (I have seen it too). • No more than one (1) paragraph of review or summary to set-up your analysis.

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Burn! is a 1969 movie that revolves around two main characters in it, Sir William Walker and Jose Dolores. Sir William Walker is sent by Britain to Queimada to break Portugal’s sugar monopoly where he uses Jose Dolores to provoke slaves to rise against the white rulers as well as convinces plantation owners to turn against the foreign ruling government and take over to increase their trade and business as well as creating their own policies for the island of Queimada. The movie depicts the power of freedom and its influence on slaves in the most excellent way. The Burn! movie mainly focuses on the slavery of black men in the island of Queimada by Portuguese where a secret agent causes a revolution with the intention to cause chaos and push Portuguese out of the island to the best of their interest.